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Hero Maps Pro

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Installationcopy link

Server Requirements

PHP version 5.3 (or greater) | MySQL version 5 (or greater)


  • Download the Hero Maps plugin from WordPress.org
  • Save it in a location on your PC that you’ll remember
  • From your WordPress website backend, go to Plugins and select “Add New”
  • Click “Upload Plugin”
  • Browse to the downloaded zip file and click “Install Now”
  • Once installed, you’ll see a list of all plugins on your site. Browse to Hero Maps and click “Activate”




Setupcopy link

  • Once HeroMaps plugin is installed and activated, browse to HeroMaps in your main WordPress left navigation
  • HeroMaps Dashboard would be the first screen you land on
  • Click on “Maps” and click on the “Add new” button
  • Here you will now type in your map name and click “Add”. This name would just be for your reference and will not be displayed in the front end.


  • Your map has now been created and you will land on the very first screen called “Setup”
  • Here you would see the name of your map and the Shortcode that will be used to show your map in the frontend
  • You can now set your map dimentions. Choose between fixed or responsive properties.
  • Please note that setting your map to responsive, will only make it responsive if the container you put it in, is responsive.


  • Choose Colour – Select the colour that you would like to use
  • Choose Icon – Drag-and-drop the icon that you would like to use onto the map
  • Click on your marker to bring up an edit panel



In the “Edit Panel” you can give your marker a Location Title and also activate an info window. (This is the info tag that would appear when you click on a marker. This will only appear on the live map on your website)


Choose the type of map and choose between a color or greyscale map. Auto Fit – Auto scale the map to the maximum size where all markers are visible Mouse wheel zoom – Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel

Map Controls

Switch on or off the controls you would like to display on the map.


Change things like animation type, speed, delay etc.

Custom Markerscopy link

Our plugin comes standard with a default marker pack


We give you the flexibility to add your own markers.

First browse to the “Markers” section in the left hand navigation and then go to “Custom Markers”


Choose a marker that you would like to add (Transparent PNG) Once you have uploaded your marker, you will have to position your marker on the centre crosshairs like in the image beneath.


Once this is done, your marker will be visible in the custom marker section and you can no use it on your map.

Go back to your map and select “Custom” from the marker pack dropdown.


Map Integrationcopy link

Hero Maps allows you to integrate by adding the map shortcode to your page or with the WordPress do_shortcode function.

We'd love to help you

NOTE: It's that festive time of year again and we will be taking a short break to recharge from the 16th of December 2020 until the 3rd of January 2021. During this time our support will be limited but we will try to respond to high priority tickets as best we can. Have a great holiday!

We'll be out of office from the 2nd of August until the 18th of August 2019. Please note that during this time we will not be available to assist with support queries but will be right back to assist from Monday the 19th of August 2019. We appreciate your patience and support!

While we will always do our best to get back to you within an hour or two, we ask that you please allow for a maximum of 24 hours for feedback.

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in the UTC+2 Timezone.

Support Includes

Bug fixing
How to questions
Assistance with integration

Support does not include

Support for 3rd party plugins
Custom Coding
Theme customization